I just had a six-day period and on cycle days 7, 8, 9, and 10, I noticed a tiny bit of pinkish-light brownish discharge. I am supposed to ovulate in four days. Is it normal to have this type of discharge after my period, or is something wrong?
April 21st, 2023
I’m 4 weeks pregnant and just woke up due to severe cramps in my lower stomach. I ended up having diarrhea and the cramps lasted about 10 minutes. Cramps made me feel nauseous. No blood present, should I be worried?
May 20th, 2024
I'm not sure if I'm having a miscarriage or having my period. My last period started on July 10, and I've been bleeding for about four days now, very red and heavy, with a couple of clumps. This bleeding started a few days after I had unprotected sex. Today, I experienced dizziness, profuse sweating, and nearly fainted. I'm currently in bed with a headache, fatigue, achiness, weakness, and slight nausea. What could be causing this bleeding and these symptoms, and what tests or actions should I consider?
August 3rd, 2023
I am 18 weeks pregnant and my ALT level is 58 and AST level is 36. My ALT level has been high since the second week of pregnancy. I use prenatal gummies and baby aspirin since the 14th week of pregnancy. I had preeclampsia with my first child at 37 weeks. What should I do about these liver enzyme levels?
May 7th, 2023
I experience bleeding during sex, which only happens about a week before my period. My last period started on June 3, and I am not using any contraceptives. My last pap test was in August with normal results, and there is no swelling, pain, or unusual smells. I am 26 years old, and this has happened twice in the last two months. The bleeding stops right after we stop having sex. Is this serious, and what could be the cause?
October 29th, 2024
Is it normal to bleed for several months after stopping birth control pills?
November 22nd, 2023