I'm 6 weeks 4 days pregnant. I started bleeding lightly yesterday and it's now like a period, but without clots. I've been under stress and have no cramping. Should I be worried and should I go to the hospital?
August 24th, 2023
I recently finished medication for a yeast infection and BV, but now I'm experiencing a thick, wet toilet paper-like discharge with no smell or itching. What could this be and what should I do?
February 29th, 2024
I think my IUD may be out of place. Is there a way to check?
October 5th, 2023
I am pregnant and experiencing spotting. I am 7 weeks pregnant and the spotting started yesterday. I am not taking any medications other than prenatal vitamins, and I have had some discharge but no stomach pain or dizziness. What should I do?
April 17th, 2023
I have persistent bloating in my stomach that makes me look pregnant, along with milky discharge, and all of this started after having sex with my boyfriend. I took a pregnancy test and am not pregnant. The discharge is pretty constant, white, and has a mild odor. My last period ended around the 20th of last month, and it sometimes comes irregularly with brown, smelly blood at the end. I also experience pain in my lower abdomen and lower back. I had chlamydia before, which was treated, but now the bloating and other symptoms persist even after treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
February 5th, 2023
Why is my hyperemesis gravidarum not improving despite following all recommended treatments, and what additional steps can be taken to manage it effectively?
September 29th, 2023