I'm currently 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I've been taking 600mg of Gabapentin 3 times daily for chronic pain since May 2017, but I've been trying to reduce the dose frequency since finding out about the pregnancy. I'm concerned about the potential effects on the baby and I don't have insurance. What should I do about my medication and prenatal care?
December 18th, 2023
I had sex on May 12th using a condom, taking birth control pills (Sprintec), and took Plan B within 72 hours. My period was delayed and I experienced irregular bleeding and spotting. I took a qualitative blood pregnancy test on June 10th, which was negative. I'm concerned about the accuracy of the test and the side effects like irregular bleeding and white discharge. Is the test accurate, and what can I expect regarding my bleeding and discharge?
August 14th, 2023
I have been diagnosed with salmonella and I am HIV positive. I had diarrhea, and my CD4 count has decreased from 771 to 563 while I am still undetected. What are the implications of having salmonella with HIV, and what could be causing my CD4 count to decrease?
September 2nd, 2024
I have recently experienced vaginal itching, burning, swelling of the vaginal lips, and a raw feeling in the perineum area. The swelling sensation has been present for a couple of months, and the itching has been constant for three days. I am a 66-year-old diabetic taking various medications, including farixga, and have not had sex in eight years. I also suffer from vaginal dryness. What could be causing these symptoms and what can I do to alleviate them?
July 2nd, 2024
My period ended last Wednesday, and I took a morning-after pill on Thursday night, and I'm bleeding again. Is this normal?
March 5th, 2024
I have vaginal irritation, including itching and discomfort when peeing, which started about three days after unprotected intercourse. I also have white vaginal discharge with no odor and back pain. My last pap test was irregular due to inflammation, and I need to repeat it in six months. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
December 8th, 2023