Ricky W. asked

👶  Ob Gyn

I'm currently on birth control but experiencing pregnancy symptoms. I took a negative pregnancy test this morning, but my symptoms make me feel like it was a false negative. I've been on this birth control for about six to eight months and haven't gotten my period in a while because I don't take the sugar pills. I'm 21 years old and not using any daily medications, except for Tylenol this morning for a headache. A couple of weeks ago, I missed my pill a few times, but not consecutively. My current symptoms include a headache on the left side of my head, sensitive nipples, bloated/pressure feeling below my belly button, nausea, and frequent gagging. What could be causing these symptoms if I'm not pregnant?

December 9th, 2023

Susan C. answered

It is unlikely that you are pregnant considering you have been using the birth control pill and did ...

December 9th, 2023

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