I started my period almost a week ago and it's unusually heavy, causing extreme cramping and requiring a lot of menstrual products. I've experienced this before and was told I was fine after an ultrasound. What could be causing this and what should I do?
April 15th, 2024
A 60-year-old woman, who had a full hysterectomy 20 years ago, is insulin-dependent diabetic and has hypertension. In the past 18 months, she has experienced recurring UTIs and vaginal infections. What could be the possible cause?
June 25th, 2024
My entire mid-section from my navel to my vagina is feeling crampy, similar to period cramps, despite being menopausal for fifteen years. My vaginal area feels burning, and there is a sharp pain in my sides through the pelvic area occasionally. My vagina is always filled with discharge, and it has stretched, causing a lack of sex drive. I have been to various doctors, and all tests are negative. My husband suspects infidelity due to the constant discharge. What could be causing these symptoms, and what should I do?
March 16th, 2023
My 50-year-old girlfriend has had two periods in the last year, the last one about four months ago. Do we need to be concerned about her getting pregnant? If so, when will it be safe for her?
August 29th, 2024
After having my son in 2006, I did not breastfeed and developed a cyst that was drained, causing my nipple to become inverted. This has persisted for seven years, and I still experience fluid discharge and a thick, unpleasant substance. I saw a doctor a long time ago, but they did not provide much help. I am 31 years old and this issue significantly affects my appearance. What should I do?
January 9th, 2023
I haven’t had a full period since September due to several vaginal infections and bacterial overgrowths, including PID. I stopped antibiotics due to severe itching and discomfort. I experienced light spotting in January but haven’t had a proper period since. I'm worried about potential permanent damage and whether I might need a DNC. What should I do?
August 2nd, 2023