I've been spotting and dropping clots constantly for about two months now, and I can't find a doctor in my area who takes my insurance. What should I do and what could this be?
April 15th, 2023
I have a red cluster of tiny bumps near my vaginal opening. I initially thought it might be a yeast infection, but I'm not sure. The bumps are not very itchy, and I have had syphilis before. What could these bumps be, and what should I do?
May 29th, 2023
I have had recurring bartholin cysts on both glands, which have been surgically drained twice. Despite these procedures, new cysts continue to appear. I am concerned about the recurrence and the cost of ongoing surgeries and consultations. What could be causing these cysts to keep coming back, and is there a more permanent solution?
November 5th, 2024
I have a burning sensation inside my vagina and a cluster of small, skin-coloured bumps around my vaginal opening. I am 18 years old, used neo-tergynan, and had unprotected sex about a week and a half ago. There is no abnormal discharge. What could be causing this and what should I do?
November 11th, 2024
I am 22 years old and pregnant again after two miscarriages in the past 2 years. I am 6 weeks pregnant now and have been on progesterone and aspirin as a precaution. I am experiencing light spotting and occasional cramping. I am terrified of another missed miscarriage. What are the chances of a healthy baby, and should I be excited or cautious?
March 30th, 2023
Is it normal to have small spasms on the uterus while being 13 weeks pregnant, with no signs of bleeding or cramping, but just small spasms that come and go while sitting down?
September 11th, 2024