I was told there's a chance I could be pregnant, but it's my first time and I'm not sure what to expect. My last period was lighter and shorter than usual, and I've been experiencing cramps, nausea, sore breasts, and dry mouth. When should I take a pregnancy test, and what symptoms should I look for in the next two weeks?
August 18th, 2023
I'm trying to determine if I have a yeast infection or an STD. My symptoms include itching, irritation, and sometimes painful sex. I've used yeast infection medication, but the symptoms seem to come back. I'm 25 years old and have used cream and suppositories before. My discharge was thick and white, and I noticed a fishy smell after my partner ejaculated in me. What could be causing these symptoms, and what should I do?
July 30th, 2024
I have a bump inside my private area (vagina) on my clitoris. It hurts to the touch. I am 33 years old, and the symptoms started yesterday. There is no itching or smell.
August 14th, 2024
I got an IUD (Mirena) placed on 8/26 and it was fine for a while, but a few days ago I started heavily bleeding and getting cramps that last for 15-30 seconds. I had an ultrasound that confirmed the IUD is in the right spot, but I feel like it might not be in the right place. What could be causing the bleeding and cramps, and when should I be concerned about the bleeding lasting longer?
February 29th, 2024
Hello, I have had my period for about 10 days now. I tend to always have periods that are about 8 days long, they’re always heavy and get lighter as they go on. I just found it odd that I have a 10 day long period. I am a virgin, on the 4th day of my period though I did use plan b after my boyfriend and I messed around as a precaution but we did not have sex. I am 18 years old. Are there any medical reasons for my longer period?
March 28th, 2024
Hi Doctor. In November I fell pregnant but had an early miscarriage where my HCG didn't go up. Two weeks after the miscarriage, I became pregnant again. At 4 weeks and 3 days (December 29th), my HCG was 985. Due to spotting (brown and a few drops of red blood), I freaked out and my doctor ordered another blood test. On January 2nd, my HCG was 2085. I'm taking Duphaston 10 mg and baby aspirin since I noticed the spotting. I'm super scared. Is this the beginning of a new miscarriage? Are the values okay? Considering they should be doubling, it looks like I'm below the 48-hour rule. What are your thoughts on my case?
January 6th, 2023