Is it normal to get periods so close together, especially after taking Plan B and experiencing irregular cycles since stopping Depo-Provera?
February 26th, 2024
I have high-risk HPV and a friable cervix. They are going to do a biopsy. If it is cervical cancer, what stage do you see a friable cervix?
July 18th, 2024
I have a bump on my outer labia. I was wondering how to treat it and what it is. I noticed it last week and it hurts a bit if touched in a certain way. I have two bumps, one larger and one smaller, and they haven't changed size. I am sexually active with one partner and haven't been screened for STDs. What could these bumps be and what should I do about them?
August 15th, 2023
I missed my period for about a week and then had light spotting for about 4 days, followed by heavy cramping and pinkish period blood. I am not using any contraceptives, my last period began on December 3, and my last pap test in March showed some abnormalities. I am sexually active and had unprotected sex on November 30. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
August 27th, 2023
I'm experiencing vaginal discomfort, including itching and pain, that started 9 months ago. The discomfort is deep inside the vagina, feels raw and nagging, and varies in intensity. I've had a normal Pap smear, normal labs, and used Metronidazole cream without relief. I also experienced a yeast infection after using the cream and used Monistat, which temporarily relieved the yeast infection symptoms. Currently, I have a slight raw and nagging pain, dark brown discharge, and slight nausea, especially in the morning. I'm a 27-year-old virgin and not sexually active. What could be causing this discomfort, and what should I do next?
January 4th, 2024
I had a stroke 4 weeks ago and I'm currently taking 81mg aspirin and 75mg plavix daily. I started my period 3 days ago and this morning I have filled 4 overnight super maxi pads in approximately 6 hours. Is this normal?
June 23rd, 2024