Is there a dark line on the stomach of most black women that goes from the navel to the top of the pelvis, and is it related to having a C-section?
June 20th, 2024
I'm not currently on birth control, but I'm experiencing spotting and bleeding. Could I still get pregnant if I was off birth control for a week, then back on, and had unprotected sex? I was on birth control for almost 5 months, and the spotting happened last night. I am 30 years old, not on any medications, and have no known medical conditions or allergies. My last period was on January 24th, and I have regular periods every month. I also have persistent lower stomach pain. I was previously on Mirvala, which allowed for ovulation even while on the pill. I have gained a few pounds recently, but my diet and exercise are good, with a little stress here and there.
March 19th, 2024
The doctor said that the endometrial cavity has 2.6mm of fluid. Is this a lot, and what does it indicate?
October 13th, 2024
My wife is experiencing mood swings, hot flashes, and difficulty sleeping due to early menopause. We have an appointment with a gynecologist on July 23, but is there an over-the-counter drug that can help her manage these symptoms in the meantime?
October 22nd, 2024
I am 36 years old and 18.5 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I recently had my 2nd trimester ultrasound and all was completely normal except for an echogenic focus on the heart. I did not have any prenatal testing for Down syndrome and am concerned. My doctor did not seem too worried without any additional markers, but I am looking for some reassurance. I will not be having an amnio as it will not change my decision in the outcome, but I was wondering the likelihood of Down syndrome with just this one marker.
January 3rd, 2024
I am a 40-year-old female experiencing severe cramps and continuous heavy bleeding for the past three months. The pain radiates to my back and legs, and I have midcycle bleeding in addition to heavy periods. I have not been checked for fibroids this year and cannot see my gynecologist for three weeks. Should I be concerned about this?
December 17th, 2024