My wife is 10 weeks pregnant and has experienced bleeding and a blood clot from the vagina. She has had spotting for the last two days, but otherwise, her pregnancy has been normal. She isn't on any medications and has been exercising daily until recently. Should I be concerned, and what should we do?
April 27th, 2024
Accidentally took two birth control pills on Tuesday. I have been taking birth control consistently for over a year and never had breakthrough bleeding before. I have had unprotected sex during this current pack. What could be causing the bleeding, is it breakthrough bleeding, implantation bleeding, or did my period start early?
July 11th, 2023
I have yellow/pinkish discharge, pain when I pee, and an odor. The pain is sharp and stinging. I'm 22 years old, and I've been drinking a lot of water and cranberry juice. The symptoms started three days ago. I had a bacterial infection treated a year and a half ago. My last menstrual period was about a week ago, and I'm sexually active with one partner in the last three months. I had chlamydia treated two years ago. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
March 26th, 2023
Hi, my LH level is 23.8, my FSH is 5.7, my AMH is 4.72, my prolactin is 14.3, but I haven't had a period since November 12. I was on birth control (Alycerin 7/7/7) for about 7-8 years and stopped in August. I am trying to conceive. What could be causing the delay in my period and what can I do to help regulate it?
May 24th, 2024
I am 31 weeks pregnant and had Braxton Hicks contractions, which may have caused my cervix to shorten to 2.5cm. One OB GYN is concerned, while another says it's fine unless it's below 1.6cm. Is my cervix shortening too fast, and am I at risk of preterm delivery?
August 11th, 2023
I get my menstrual period for 5 days, but after that, I spot for a few days and then 2 weeks later, it's like I have my menstrual period again. This has been happening for 3 months. How old are you, and do you otherwise have regular cycles?
June 2nd, 2023