A Montana 1120 corporation has elected to liquidate at the end of 2023 and become an LLC on January 2024. The corporation is an S-corp with a single owner who has passed away, and the children want to transition it to an LLC. Do they need a new federal ID (EIN)?
October 10th, 2023
As a first-year 1099 contractor expecting to make over $200k this year, how much can I contribute pre-tax to an IRA this year, can I use my rollover IRA for these direct contributions, and can I contribute to a Roth IRA despite the income limits?
June 23rd, 2023
How do I renew my PTIN?
April 28th, 2024
I want to stop my voluntary Federal tax withholding. I am currently located in Pennsylvania, 74 years old, and do not have any dependents. What are the steps and considerations for ceasing voluntary federal tax withholding?
April 20th, 2023
Can my 83-year-old Chilean mother, who was married to my deceased Chilean-American father for over 25 years and never divorced, claim benefits from his Social Security, even though she never worked outside the home and their marriage was not formalized in the United States?
September 2nd, 2023
I started receiving Social Security benefits at age 62, with my benefit amount being half of my spouse's. I am now 73 and have no additional income or employment. Can you review my benefits based on my own income rather than half of my spouse's?
February 26th, 2023