Can my daughter, who has an immigrant visa, just drop by the Social Security office to apply for a Social Security number, and what is the procedure?
January 14th, 2024
How are monthly parking expenses paid for a 100% S Corp owner-shareholder treated for tax purposes? Are they tax-deductible, includable in income, and what are the rules regarding fringe benefits and employee business expenses?
December 14th, 2024
A distant cousin vanished, and I would like to know his tax status if any monetary value is coming to the family. Mark ***** ***** DOB: 10/14/1961.
April 24th, 2024
I have been waiting for my 2021 tax return since April and have not been informed by the IRS. Recently, a bank loan officer told me that my 2021 tax return had been rejected. I am 61 years old, located in Oklahoma City, and made approximately $30,000 this year. I have been using a free tax service for the past 13 years, but this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, I was unable to stay in the building to complete the process. I do not know the amount of my expected refund or the status of my tax return. What should I do to resolve this issue?
March 18th, 2024
Hi, I need to change the direct deposit address for both my husband and myself. I attempted to navigate the process online and couldn't complete. May I do this in person at your office? My husband is in a nursing care facility resident. He's competent, but unable to sign documents. Have needed to produce Power of Attorney documents often, but are there others I should have for an appointment/conversation?
August 31st, 2023
I live in North Carolina and have accepted a job in Virginia, requiring me to commute. My new job's onboarding paperwork includes filling out a VA-4 form for Virginia state taxes. Do I have to pay both North Carolina and Virginia state taxes, and what forms do I need to fill out?
November 24th, 2023