Do you have to show your Social Security income when seeking financial assistance to save your home?
October 16th, 2023
I am being laid off and need to sell my stock options before mid-April to avoid losing them. My taxable income last year was about $118k, and this year it may be slightly higher. The options are worth around $44k, and the stock price is rising. I am concerned about selling due to potentially moving into a higher tax bracket. Should I sell the options now, or wait until next year when my income might be lower? My current income this year is $168k, expected to reach $180k by year-end, and my wife's income is $5k. We file jointly.
May 30th, 2024
I want my 2019 tax withholding to be close to break-even at tax time. I used the IRS online calculator but am unsure if I provided the correct data for accurate results. My last year's gross income was $84,551, and this year's expected gross income, including a bonus, is $95,324.
September 24th, 2023
I am the sole owner of an LLC that only conducts stock and options trading. How should I file my taxes this year, considering I have a full-time job and use TurboTax for my tax filing?
September 10th, 2023
I did not retain a copy of the tax information which I submitted for 2017. How do I get a copy of the information?
April 25th, 2023
Can I claim tax deductible for my car purchase that I used for driving job, and can I still claim that deductible (based on car sales price) after 3 years since I purchased the car?
February 2nd, 2024