For a multi-member LLC, when filing the 941 for a multi-member LLC, are members who are not working contracts of employment with other LLC companies or actively working but just investors and managers of the company, not to receive pay out of the work hours? Additionally, if an LLC has two members and is an S Corp, and one member's contractual work was done on a commission basis with auto deposits to the business, but due to unavailability of hours, the contract penalized and withdrew funds from the account, is that considered a loss in filing taxes or just an adjustment of the payment received for the year?
April 4th, 2023
On the new 2021 W4 form, where do I indicate that I wish to claim 1 allowance, specifically for myself?
September 4th, 2023
I need to change banks for Social Security deposits. I have just changed banks and would like my payments to be deposited in the new bank. How do I update this information?
September 1st, 2024
My son and his girlfriend live together, bought a home last year, and have a child. Can one of them itemize deductions while the other claims Head of Household?
March 10th, 2023
I haven’t received my federal refund. It says it's still being processed. I am located in Ames, Iowa, I am 22 years old, single, and have no dependents. What is the typical filing status, and when can I expect my refund?
April 1st, 2024
Where is my state tax refund?
January 13th, 2024