How can I obtain a replacement W-2 form from my employer, Magpul in Cheyenne, WY, after it was sent to the wrong address?
August 24th, 2024
My ex-husband has been paying me $5000 a month for the past three years, issuing me a 1099 each year. This past year, I did not do any work for him but still received the money as agreed. Since I did no work for him and never signed a contract, do I still have to report this as a 1099, or can I report it as a gift? If he reports it as a 1099 and I report it as a gift, could this cause issues with the IRS?
February 28th, 2024
My tax return was rejected because I don't have an IP PIN. How can I obtain an IP PIN for filing my 2023 taxes?
May 9th, 2024
I don't want to file taxes, but I'm asking if one has a file number for filing. I'm located in Michigan, I'm 75 years old, have no dependents, and don't know my typical filing status or income this year. How do I get my Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) and what is my adjustment gross income?
September 15th, 2024
I e-filed my taxes last night and realized that my new energy-star washing machine, purchased in November for between $1300 and $1400, might qualify for a tax credit. Is it worth trying to do an amended tax return?
June 30th, 2024
I have a single-member LLC for my trading business. I am trying to deduct my home office expenses, but my tax software is not allowing these deductions because the LLC has capital losses reported on a 1099-B. Can I categorize home office expenses as common expenses to deduct them?
September 25th, 2023