I need a copy of my 2021 1099. How can I obtain it?
April 29th, 2023
What are the tax rules for obtaining a deduction for charitable donations if I made a large donation from savings, my income is from a government pension and social security, and I file as a single person in Oshkosh, Wisconsin?
November 11th, 2023
Can you 1099 an employee on a company vehicle for personal use if that truck is part of their compensation?
April 4th, 2023
My multiple-member LLC has multiple ride-share accounts (Lyft, Uber) for employees used for alternative transportation to work locations. I was told this might be an issue if we get audited. Can this be an issue, as both accounts are under the business and the statements show the business name? Please advise.
December 6th, 2023
What value should be used for S-corporation stock gifted to a related party, considering the business's valuation, offers from outsiders, debt, and the percentage of stock being donated?
July 29th, 2024
I turned 65 in January this year and will start working part-time in September. Can I start drawing Social Security while working part-time and not using Medicare as my primary insurance?
September 11th, 2024