I need a PIN number. I am located in Rochester, NY, 57 years old, and have no dependents. My typical filing status is in come TX. Is there anything else the Accountant should know before I connect?
December 22nd, 2023
Can a daughter claim her 80-year-old mother, whose only income is from Social Security, as a dependent if the Social Security amount is over $4,400?
May 4th, 2023
I am a resident alien in the US with no income in 2022. What tax forms do I need to fill out for federal income tax?
September 6th, 2024
If an efile is rejected and then corrected and resubmitted, does that count as one of my five filings? I need to do the returns for myself and my children.
December 23rd, 2024
I'm trying to get a copy of my 2021 tax return. Can you help?
June 8th, 2024
How can I obtain a copy of my 2021 tax return, given that I used TurboTax and am unable to log in to my account, and I need to file my Georgia state return?
December 3rd, 2023