I would like to pay my tax for 2021/2022. I am located in Christchurch 8025, 77 years old, with no dependents, and typically file terminal tax. I would like to pay my account via my credit card.
January 26th, 2023
If I file an amendment after receiving a refund, must I repay that amount?
April 12th, 2023
What is the total SASA tax deduction for myself and my husband, and how do we calculate it if we received health insurance coverage through our employers in 2022?
September 21st, 2023
If my travel business received no income in 2022 and just paid state license fees, can I file my Federal taxes without reporting business income?
November 16th, 2023
I am 75 years old and work part-time to supplement my Social Security, which doesn't cover all my monthly expenses. I feel penalized for working because my Social Security payment doesn't cover my expenses, and the 'penalty' seems greater than in previous years. Is there an acceptable alternative or workaround to assist with this situation?
November 11th, 2024
I have completed my tax return and when I try to e-file, it keeps asking for a tax ID number for the social security payer. This number does not appear on the benefit statement. How can I proceed to finish filing?
October 31st, 2024