If I have a single member LLC that is taxed as a disregarded entity and is owned by a parent LLC, where would the income go on the business taxes when the parent LLC is a subchapter S election?
October 29th, 2023
I submitted my court petition on May 14 but it was not sent by the UPS store until the 15th. My deadline was the 14th, and I have a receipt showing I mailed it on the 14th with return receipt and certified. The IRS attorney wants to file a motion to dismiss because I missed the deadline. Any chance of winning this?
June 30th, 2023
I am considering refinancing a residential investment property to cash out about $100k. I plan to spend $30k on improvements and remodeling, and use the remaining $70k to pay off other short-term personal debt. What are the tax implications of this?
October 17th, 2024
Our Quilt Guild got its 501c3 status in May. The new board panicked and moved $4700 to a new account under a new name and EIN. Does this eliminate our IRS responsibility, and does the new EIN protect the board from legal suits?
September 22nd, 2023
A non-US resident from Greece has formed a US Delaware C-Corp and plans to create a subsidiary in Greece. What is the best way for them to pay themselves, and what are the implications of doing so as a non-US resident? Is a subsidiary necessary for this purpose?
March 28th, 2023
My husband passed away in 2007. I received a letter stating that I can collect his Social Security when I turn 50. However, I remarried and got divorced. Can I still collect my deceased husband's Social Security when I turn 50? I am currently on Social Security for a disability.
February 25th, 2024