If you have a single member LLC taxed as an S Corp, and the owner is the sole employee receiving a W-2, can you deduct payments of student loans to the sole owner?
May 30th, 2023
How can I get my IP PIN online?
April 16th, 2024
My wife and I live in the US and have rental properties in Canada. We file tax returns on our rental properties in Canada and then file a return with our job income and rental property credits for the US. We have two accountants, one for Canadian taxes and one for US, who are expensive and often provide delayed responses. We would like to see if we can find a new accountant ideally who does both taxes but if not, has better service. How do I ensure we are going to someone better?
March 23rd, 2023
We had solar panels installed in 2023. The solar company says we should get a $15,000 rebate, but my tax people (H&R Block) say no. If I owed taxes, the refund would go towards paying what I owed. How does the solar panel rebate work and how does it affect my tax situation?
May 1st, 2023
I am filing my 2021 taxes online and cannot find my PIN. How can I obtain or retrieve my Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN)?
May 16th, 2024
I am a small business owner in Massachusetts, and I am trying to understand the sales and income tax requirements. Specifically, I need to know if I have physical nexus in my state for sales tax purposes, how often I need to report collected sales tax, how to report it, and how income tax works for my small business. Additionally, I am unsure if I need to make quarterly estimated tax payments and whether it is necessary to elect S-Corp status for my business.
June 6th, 2024