If you reach a settlement and pay off a credit card, does the original balance left over count as income on your taxes, and how does this affect state taxes, specifically in Colorado?
March 18th, 2023
I am a self-employed painter and have not paid my taxes for 2008. Can I still pay them and get the earned income credit and a refund back?
October 24th, 2023
When filling out the 1116 for Foreign Tax Credit, where do I get the foreign tax credit carryover statement to fill out line 10, which requires the carryover from past years and detailed computation?
May 16th, 2024
What are the laws from the IRS about extortion of tax money?
February 22nd, 2024
My loan was modified from a negative-amortization option ARM to a new fixed rate without the negative-amortization option in 2008. The negative-amortization was added to the principal amount for the new payment conditions. Can I take the negative-amortization interest as a deduction on my 2008 tax return?
April 18th, 2024
I receive 207a retirement benefits from New York, which are tax-free at the state and federal levels due to disability retirement. My employer is required to pay a quarter of my salary, including raises, but they withhold all taxes. When I was on workers' compensation, I got these taxes back when I filed. Can this be done for my current situation, and if so, how?
June 8th, 2024