In the state of Missouri, if you have a business in your home and have formed an S corporation, does the sole employee pay unemployment taxes for himself?
June 20th, 2024
How can I get my IRS 1040NR tax form for the year 2016 online?
February 21st, 2023
Where can I find AT&T stock prices for the years 1966 through 1969?
September 29th, 2023
I need help calculating my stock basis for my S-corporation formed at the end of 2017. I contributed $1,000 to start the S-corporation and added $695 to the business bank account. My net income for 2018 is around $12,000, and I haven't taken any distributions. How do I calculate my stock basis and how is the income taxed on my personal return?
October 15th, 2023
If a couple is living apart (not legally separated) and one wants to file as head of household and the other wants to file married filing separately, what happens to form 8958 in a community property state?
May 3rd, 2023
In a revocable family trust where one of the two spouses has died, does the trust now require a separate tax ID for the stock held in the trust, even though the surviving spouse is still named as a trustee and the stock is still in the trust?
November 2nd, 2023