My tax return shows taxes withheld, but according to my W2, no taxes were taken out. I haven't received any rejection letter. What should I do now?
November 3rd, 2023
My son, a college student, cashed a $10,000 bond to pay for tuition. He only made $3,000 in salary last year. Does he have to pay taxes on the bond?
November 11th, 2024
I formed a living trust in 2017 and used to report all my rental income under a family partnership. Do I need to file a 1041 tax return from now on, or can I continue to report under a partnership return? Would it be beneficial to report the rental income in a trust tax return?
December 21st, 2023
A client of mine donated $15,000 directly from his IRA distribution of $60,000. Should I show $60,000 on line 15a of Form 1040 and $45,000 on line 15b? If so, do I have to manually adjust the taxable amount for the charity?
April 13th, 2024
My 18-year-old son has lived with me for approximately 39 weeks of the year. However, his mother (divorced) has filed him as a dependent on her taxes. Our divorce agreement was odd years until my son turned 18 on June 21. He permanently moved back with me the next day. Who has the legal right to file him on the tax form as a dependent for the tax year 2017?
November 3rd, 2024
I purchased a new house this year and normally file an EZ Form since I have very few deductions. What additional steps should I take to have the new home help with my taxes, and are there additional forms now needed? Do I have to file standard tax forms rather than the "EZ"?
December 18th, 2023