Our company offers a reimbursement plan up to $500 for health improvement items like gym memberships and exercise equipment. We pay for these items upfront and then submit receipts for reimbursement through the payroll system, which counts it as taxable income. Since we've already paid tax on this money once, isn't this double taxation?
March 30th, 2023
I was a non-resident of MD but had a rental property I rented for 6.5 years. I didn't realize I had to file MD return 505. I am a legal resident of WV. Can you address MD tax returns, and can I back file in MD for all 6.5 years?
September 18th, 2024
Are sales taxes due on the proposed amount total or just the amount received in a given quarter?
November 9th, 2024
Do I have to pay taxes on the sale of a home I have owned since 1968, lived in for 33 years, and then rented out after remarrying? I sold the house and have been told I have to pay income tax.
October 3rd, 2024
I received payment confirmation for a transaction but never received the incoming email containing my Federal Tax ID Number / EIN. Can you help me?
September 27th, 2024
I need to change my address for me and my husband. We've been receiving CPP at the right address, our T4 has the right address, but the accountant used the previous address, and we just got a letter from the IRS for money/tax we have to pay due on May 28, 2018, but we haven't received the refund from CRA for 2017.
September 13th, 2024