Should the fee charged by a revenue cycle management company, which processes claims and bills health plans for a percentage of total revenue, be categorized as part of Cost of Sales or as a General and Administrative (G&A) expense? This distinction is crucial as it affects the gross margin calculation.
July 1st, 2023
I received a CP-2100A notice from the IRS because the TIN and name provided by an LLC on a Form W-9 did not match IRS records. I am sending a First B Notice to the LLC to get the correct TIN. If the LLC does not provide a valid TIN, am I responsible for paying the IRS the 24% withholding from my own money, especially since there are no future payments to this LLC?
January 4th, 2024
How should a taxpayer handle the repayment of third-party sick pay that was overpaid due to social security retroactively granting disability benefits, when the repayment amount is less than the total sick pay received over two years (2017 and 2018), and there is no breakout of the repayment between the years?
December 9th, 2023
I am trying to determine if a farmer can use income averaging on a KY Schedule J. If line 22 (the average) is more than line 17, can he average? I am also getting a negative number on line 22, with line 21 being greater than line 17. What should I do?
December 20th, 2023
I added my son's name to the deed of my home 2 years ago. If I sell my home this year, will he have to claim half of the capital gain? If I remove his name from the deed now and sell later this year, will that relieve him of any responsibility? Is there an easier way to relieve him?
August 2nd, 2023
My boyfriend forgot to file my 1095-A when he filed my taxes, and I received a letter from the IRS saying I have 20 days to provide more information. When he included the 1095-A in my taxes, it reduced my refund amount. I was told by the Marketplace representative that the 1095-A documents that I had received insurance and a tax credit for January 2018. Why did including the 1095-A reduce my refund amount, and what should I do about it?
August 23rd, 2023