What are the tax filing requirements for a corporation in Vancouver, BC, Canada, including corporate income tax and GST/HST, and do I need to apply for a GST number and GST filing for my online Amazon business?
November 19th, 2023
I live in California and registered an LLC in October for my retail business. I am currently applying for an EIN and business license. I haven't started buying stocks or selling anything yet. When should I state my business start date on the business license and EIN application? This date is important for determining what expenses are included in my startup cost.
September 16th, 2024
I am thinking about purchasing a home near Houston, perhaps in Sugarland, TX. What property taxes am I responsible for?
September 25th, 2024
I need proof of insurance from when I worked at Walgreens. I left in 2013. What information do you need?
April 12th, 2023
I have a bill of $825.47 from the IRS. How can I prorate this amount, and what are the steps to set up a payment agreement with the IRS?
August 2nd, 2023
I am a non-US citizen living in the US with my non-US citizen wife and our US-born children. We have been here for over 12 years and visit our home country (India) for a maximum of 30 days every two years. I would like to know if the US gift tax rules apply to us, and if there are any tax implications when converting individual accounts to joint accounts with my wife, including moving stocks to a joint brokerage account.
June 2nd, 2023