What is the best structure for a client who has two distinct businesses (real estate sales and freelance admin services) under one LLC, and does she need two LLCs or could she have the LLC protection for both businesses by setting up two DBAs underneath the LLC?
October 28th, 2023
As a trustee of my deceased mother's living trust, I am about to sell the final trust asset, a home, for $212k. The trust, formed in MN and holding the home in MN, requires the income from the sale to be split between two beneficiaries. Is there anything I can do to reduce the trust's tax liability, such as through charitable donations, and can a charitable donation be allowed as a tax deduction?
January 12th, 2023
I am in the process of purchasing a property in Cincinnati, Ohio, and would like to know how property taxes are calculated in Cincinnati and my projected taxes based on the calculation.
June 9th, 2024
I am a 61-year-old disabled individual with a trust worth over $92,000 managed by Vanguard. My trustee, Theresa Rawdin, is causing financial and medical damages. I have had bones removed from both shoulders, making writing difficult. I have not worked in 25 years and rely on SSI and half of my father's pension. I have consulted with several attorneys, including a probate attorney, who referred me to legal aid. Legal aid classified my case as a personal injury case, but other attorneys say it's a civil law case. My main issue is that I do not have access to my trust funds due to issues with my trustee. What legal steps can I take to resolve this situation?
June 30th, 2024
I want to start paying my tax debt of $1,839.95. I am 62 years old, located in New York, and have no dependents. I am trying to pay last year's owed amount. How can I set up a payment plan for this debt?
October 13th, 2024
We just got a bill from the IRS saying we owe $4229.62. Is this real? We are located in MN, both aged 77 and 75, receive social security, and my husband gets 100% disability.
March 21st, 2024