Could you provide a price estimate for this vase, please?
July 31st, 2024
I have an Indian watercolor by Lulu Hampton. Would you know anything about this artist?
December 25th, 2024
I would like to identify the artist and get a possible value on a piece of Mexican pottery - a small bowl, a matching creamer, and two plates with the same style/signature. Can you help?
October 17th, 2023
I have a piece of art of an old house in Greeley, possibly depicting a western trapper on a horse with a bull skull dated 1911, and another pastel painting of wild horses by a local artist from Denver, Colorado named Beatrice. What can you tell me about these pieces and their potential value?
May 30th, 2023
I have a 1906 Van Briggle vase with a heavier top and flowers resembling poinsettias. It has a signature and location on the bottom. I love it but have never seen another like it. Can you provide a name for the pattern and an insurance appraisal value?
September 9th, 2024
I have some stamps and am curious about their current value. I have a few books of stamps and a book over 125 years old related to German history. What is the value of these stamps and the old book?
October 19th, 2024