How much is Peter Egeghy's oil painting worth, and where can I sell it?
August 21st, 2024
I just bought a "Baccarat" vase on eBay, described as being from the 1920s, but it doesn't have any markings. I've found information suggesting it should have at least a 'B' etched into it. What should I be aware of regarding the authenticity of this vase?
February 11th, 2024
We have an antique Kroehler living room set. What would it be worth?
June 26th, 2023
I have two vintage vases from the early 1900s, made by Royal Wettina Austria. They have some damage to the tops and handles, and one is stamped '97' while the other is etched with '111'. I would like to know their value and the best venue to sell them for the best price.
August 22nd, 2023
I have a signed original Gino Hollander painting, approximately 100 x 140 cms, depicting a horse. It was given to me by a friend who worked with Gino Hollander in Spain. I am considering selling it but have no idea of its value. Can you help?
May 6th, 2024
I recently bought a torch lamp to replace a broken floor lamp with a stained glass shade. Can you provide an appraisal of this new lamp?
March 17th, 2024