I bought a jar of change at an estate sale and found a 1941 nickel that appears to be a black beauty nickel. I would like to have it looked at to see if it is what it appears to be. Is there anything else the Antiques Appraiser should be aware of?
August 9th, 2024
What is the value and information about a green trunk with a plaid interior?
December 12th, 2023
How do I add a picture of this Bavarian bowl and what is its value?
October 16th, 2024
Hi, can you tell me how much this French antique perfume bottle is worth?
September 9th, 2024
I have a solid mahogany wood, Louis XV dining room table with a rare Biscuit weave on the table and chairs. The set includes 4 extra leaves, 6 side chairs, and 2 handmade end chairs from Paris. The set is from the 1920s and is in excellent condition. How can I sell this set and what is its value?
June 15th, 2024
What is the value of a 1920 wood and glass curio cabinet, and where can it be sold?
May 6th, 2023