I found a Lyre back chair at a garage sale recently. It has a marked plate on the bottom that reads UNIV. PIC. N54-176 CO. INC. I'm trying to find information online about the mark and see if this is an antique that I should leave alone, as I had planned on refinishing and reupholstering it. Can you provide any information about the chair and its potential value?
July 30th, 2023
I have a "PITTSBURG POTTERY CO" DIAMOND BRAND #10 Crock with crockery handle slots and intact wire and wood handles. There are no cracks or chips in the piece. Could you provide an estimate of its value?
August 12th, 2024
I have two large Chinese ginger jars with a motif of children playing with kites. Do these jars have any history or value? Is there a better way to send a picture if my system freezes?
July 26th, 2023
I have an old ceramic bottle that has been in my family for some years. Can you provide information about what it is and its value? I can upload images for you.
November 3rd, 2024
I would like to know how much my oil painting by Dutch painter Barent is worth, also antique bed frame and old coins including 1853 Queen Victoria and 1853 Napoleon III.
October 19th, 2024
In 1974, I exchanged a pair of nail scissors for a solid silver bracelet from a senior lady in West Africa. The bracelet is very heavy and has been carefully wrapped since then. I was told I would need a specialized valuation in London to determine its value. Can you provide any insight into whether it is valuable or not?
October 14th, 2023