I found a Monbijou plate signed by Katie Lohrer from 1898 with a raspberry and vines design. It has a small chip missing on the scalloped edge. What is the value and history of this plate?
May 10th, 2023
I have a women's Jules Jurgenson gold watch that I would like to have appraised. I estimate it to be around 75 years old and it is in perfect condition. The watch has 'Jules Jurgenson' inscribed on both the face and the back.
August 29th, 2023
I have three Lladró figures and I'm looking for information on their names and values. I don't know their names and cannot find them on any database. Can you help identify them and provide their estimated values?
June 24th, 2024
I found an old painting in the shed of a historic home I'm renovating. The artist is ***** *****. There is an Art Finds Registration number on the back, but the company no longer exists. The painting is in good condition but might need a little restoration. The signature matches the artist, but the style seems out of character based on what I've seen online. What is the value of this painting and where can I sell it?
March 27th, 2024
I have a collection of over 100 fridge magnets, including some handmade by my mother. What is the best way to determine their value and sell them on eBay?
December 26th, 2024
Can anyone tell me about this gravy boat?
December 10th, 2023