I have a framed print by Michele Perdue in mint condition, with paperwork indicating it is number 143 of 350 in the edition. What is its value and how can I determine its authenticity and worth?
May 9th, 2023
What is the value of my Elgin pocket watch, production year 1901, with a serial number from the gears and a gold-plated case?
June 10th, 2023
Can you provide information about these drawings?
January 27th, 2023
What is the purpose of a porcelain drawer with a spoon holder in it, found in a bar in Columbus, MT?
June 25th, 2024
I have a set of dessert plates that I think are called hobnail glassware. Some of them have clouded glass. Do these particular dessert plates have any value?
October 19th, 2023
I have two books: 1) Edgar A. Poe's 'Tales of Mystery and Imagination' published by Nelson, hardback, red in color, and 2) Edgar A. Poe's 'The Works of,' Vol. II, published by Lovell, hardback, green in color. What is the value of these books?
January 13th, 2024