I have a hanging 150-year-old stained leaded glass lamp shade. Can you tell me who made it and what it may be worth today?
September 7th, 2024
Train coin bank model. Top coin slot is a square piece that has markings of different engraved coins of other countries. The engraved coins include Canada 25 cents 1975, 1 Deutsche mark 1982, United States of America quarter dollar, new pence 10 cents England, and Helvelia with a statue holding a shield and fifteen stars. Are there any other details you'd like me to pass on?
January 31st, 2024
I have a decorative plate given to me in 1976 as a wedding gift. It has no markings except for a 'Japan' sticker on the back. What is its value?
October 26th, 2023
What is the value of a 1976 bicentennial calendar plate and a painted wood abacus toy from the 1970s, and where can they be sold?
March 7th, 2023
I have a beautiful, brass & copper antique kindling box with flowers on the lid and front. It was found in 1970 in a house we were moving to, left by previous owners. The box is in good condition but missing a foot and has some dents, scratches, and normal wear & tear. I have only seen this type of box one time years ago in a magazine photo shoot. What is the value of this kindling box and how can I sell it?
May 9th, 2023
I have a collection of Matchbox cars from my childhood, purchased over several years in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Some are in almost new condition, kept in individual boxes, and include models from the 1-75 group and the Models of Yesteryear series, such as the Y-17 1938 Hispano Suiza with 3 silver wheels and 1 red wheel. How do I find out if they have value?
April 1st, 2023