I have a signed remarked print by Heinrich Vosberg titled 'Alone and Forsaken' from 1887, and I'd like an estimate of its value.
December 6th, 2023
I have a large oval silver platter with ornate grapes around it. The marks on the back are crossed keys, a 5-pointed crown, and a knight. Where can I look up these marks to identify the origin and value of the platter? I believe it may be German, but I'm not certain. The platter is in good condition other than some tarnish.
January 2nd, 2024
Your website says 'join for only $1' but what will it cost to connect with an actual appraiser? I have an 80-year-old Royal Copenhagen dinner set in perfect condition with unique markings. The last time I attempted this, I was sent to a secure page to pay, but my PayPal account suddenly said $70.
April 5th, 2023
I have a Hamilton Lancaster Pa gold-faced pocket watch from the 1920s and an Omega Seamaster automatic wrist watch from the 1970s. I would like to know all the information about these watches, including their value. The pocket watch is quite scratched, and I don't know if it is gold or gold-plated. I am unable to open the watch to access the movement and serial number. What can you tell me about these watches and their potential value?
April 22nd, 2024
I have an early edition of a book from Kingsport Press, produced sometime between 1945 and 1972. The book has subtle differences compared to other examples, and I want to pinpoint its exact edition and value. How can I continue to narrow down this information?
May 13th, 2023
I have a 1920-1930s General Fireproofing Company file cabinet made of industrial steel. It needs some cleaning but is functional, and I have the lock code. I would like to know the value and any additional information about the cabinet.
September 12th, 2023