I was hoping to find any info about this fake fireplace piece. I’ll attach photos. Can you provide details about its size, functionality, and potential value?
June 21st, 2023
Can you tell me if these items have any value?
February 5th, 2024
I have three old porcelain display dishes with gold detailing. There are no markings on them. Can you provide an appraisal of their value?
December 5th, 2024
I have a Civil War medal awarded to General Kearney showing all the battles he was in, including Bull Run engraved in the medal. The medal is silver with a ribbon attached, and we also have the box it was in. What is the value and significance of this medal?
July 11th, 2023
Can I send you a picture of a painting that I have, and who is the painter with the signature 'Parkhurst'?
June 28th, 2023
I have two hand-colored engravings of the USS Frigate Constitution by Harold Wyllie, published May 1st 1924. Is there any value to these engravings?
July 16th, 2024