What is the pricing for older Beanie Babies from the year 2000 and up in excellent condition, all with tags kept in plastic bags?
October 27th, 2023
Could you estimate the value of this oil painting by M Farley? I think this is the painter.
April 7th, 2023
I have a metal antique bed that I have been unable to find any information about. It is a full-size bed. I would like to know its value and how to preserve it further by lacquering it without causing damage.
July 15th, 2023
Could you give me an estimate of the value of this oil painting by Gabris? It is 20” x 23”.
November 13th, 2023
I have a Drexel flip top with casters, bar or server, in excellent condition, purchased in late 1979. The blue sticker on the underside of the drawer indicates 19558. What is the fair market value of this item and where can I sell it?
October 26th, 2023
I have a pair of beautiful lamps and want to know more about them and their potential resale value.
April 18th, 2023