What is the value of a Wm. Beechey 30" x 36" oil canvas painting with William Gillis as the sitter?
October 30th, 2023
I have several individual pieces of Fine China Happy Home Rose Bud set. I have not been able to locate anything with the same pattern I have. My brother passed away and lived on a farm outside of Chicago. They look to be pretty old. I have pictures. What is the value of these pieces and where can I sell them?
March 6th, 2023
I have inherited some figurines from my parents, some originating from Europe and others being Lladro, Royal Dalton, and Lenox items from the 50s through 80s. I would like to sell them to a collector and need advice on how to proceed, including whether to send pictures and if there are appraisers near me in Vermont.
September 26th, 2023
I have a painting by a Dutch painter, Anton Rutgers. Can you tell me its worth?
June 21st, 2024
I think I may have a Sanford Robinson Gifford painting. How much is an appraisal and what details do you need to assist me?
March 21st, 2024
I have an antique oak 'secretary' desk that belonged to my grandmother. The marking on the back panel says: 'Manufactured by our Factory No. 6 ... Larkin Co. - Buffalo, NY'. What is the estimated value of this desk and where can I sell it for the best price?
January 15th, 2023