I have a Bosch range. Yesterday, the oven stopped heating up. Today, the range top isn't working. I think it may be an electrical issue. What should I check and how can I troubleshoot this problem?
December 5th, 2023
We had a power outage while the dryer was running, and now it won't start. What can I do to fix the problem? I already unplugged it and plugged it back in to try to reset the unit.
March 20th, 2024
I have a refrigerator full of food and it's not on. There are no lights inside, and the model number is JBR2088HES. How can I troubleshoot and fix this issue?
February 26th, 2023
My Whirlpool Accuwave Model GH5184XPB-3 Microwave vent hood combination takes at least 20 seconds for the fan to get up to speed. How can I fix this issue and determine if the cost of repair is worth it?
October 10th, 2024
Error codes E6 and F1 are appearing on a new and recently working Whirlpool front-loading washing machine with model numbers W10432633A or W10421029A-SP. What corrective actions should be taken?
August 2nd, 2023
My elderly customer's LG refrigerator (Model# XXXXX, about 5 years old) is not running. I have verified power to the outlet, but the light does not come on when the door is opened, and there is no sound of any kind. The fridge is warm inside, indicating no cooling for some time. What should I check from the most likely problem to the least likely problem?
April 25th, 2023