Our microwave, which is about a year old, was making a sound like there was metal in it and now doesn't work at all. There is a burned area under a plastic cover. What could be the issue and what should we do?
October 6th, 2024
My KitchenAid flat top stove has power (display lights only when the burners are turned on), but the burners don't heat up, nor does the oven. The stove is about 3-4 years old, and I can't read the serial or model number. Can you help me?
June 9th, 2023
I have a Whirlpool washer model number LSP8245AW0. It wouldn't spin or pump the water out. After removing and cleaning the pump, it now spins and pumps water, but fails to achieve high-speed spin, with only the motor switch clicking. I tried replacing the motor but it made no difference. What else could be the issue?
August 4th, 2024
There is some blue liquid leaking from the seams around my refrigerator and freezer. Is this freon, and is there anything I can do about it? Is it dangerous?
March 8th, 2024
My microwave is completely dead; the clock and other parts do not work. The inside light is on, and there are lighted words scrolling where the clock should be. What is the issue, and how can I fix it?
June 17th, 2023
What does "int" mean in the message bar of my washer and how do I get it out and continue? The washer is stuck on "on" and won't respond, and the door is locked shut.
November 13th, 2024