I have a Satellite A135 S4527 that crashed to a blue screen with a lot of writing on it and something about recovery which I could not read because the screen went blank. At hard boot, it just goes blank with a flashing cursor at the top left. I have tried using the F2 and F12 options to go to the "default", but no. What can I do to resolve this issue?
October 2nd, 2023
I have had my Westinghouse monitor for a couple of years now, but have never been able to resolve what I have been told are resolution issues with Firefox. Safari works fine. Fields are jammed, paragraphs run into each other, just doesn't work. Any ideas?
September 25th, 2024
I cannot remember the password for my laptop's Gmail account and have tried resetting it without success. I have multiple Gmail accounts due to setting up different phones, and my new iPhone won't receive emails because I can't set it up with the Gmail account my laptop uses. I want to wipe out all my Gmail accounts except the one my laptop uses, but I still can't access it due to the forgotten password. What can I do?
August 7th, 2023
My HP monitor from 2007 keeps going to sleep and displays a black screen with a white box and black text stating 'Monitor going to sleep'. It started doing this every few minutes, but now it happens about every 30 seconds. How can I fix this?
June 24th, 2023
I have a new Sony computer with Windows Live Email. When I delete an unwanted email and block the sender, the block does not work and I receive the same email again the next day. How can I permanently block these senders?
August 6th, 2023
I just entered a question about sending an email to a group and how to do it. Then the page came up for me to pay $38 for an answer. I thought advice and help from AOL was paid for with the premiums we pay for using the AOL service. Why do we then have to pay to have an answer to one question asked in all the years I have had your service?
June 30th, 2023