My dog, Choncey, ate 800mg of ibuprofen and has since vomited, lost his appetite, and has high protein in his urine. He is not playful and looks sad, but otherwise seems normal. What could be causing his symptoms and what should I do?
November 1st, 2023
My 10-year-old dog, Shasta, has been passing blood for 2 days and vomiting after eating. She recently moved from Utah to Arizona and is drinking RO water. She had her rabies shot 2.5 weeks ago and weighs 70 lbs. What should I do?
November 13th, 2023
My dog has pancreatitis and has diarrhea but shakes really bad before and after she goes. Our vet told us to crush up tums and mix it with omeprazole but that doesn't seem to be helping right now. Any suggestions?
June 6th, 2023
My 2 pugs ate some fruit cake. Should I make them throw up or be worried?
August 19th, 2023
Is it safe for my 10-pound dog, Spurs, who is 18 years old and has had allergies and mange, to take a 50 mg tablet of Azithromycin?
August 11th, 2024
A 7-year-old male Chihuahua named Hercules has two small skin bumps on his side. The first bump appeared about two weeks ago, and the second one appeared recently. Hercules cannot reach the area to lick or rub it. What could these bumps be, and what should be done about them?
July 29th, 2023