My dog, Davy, an 8-year-old 45-pound dog, ate a whole chocolate peanut butter Quest Hero bar about 2-3 hours ago. Should I induce vomiting, and what are the potential risks or symptoms I should watch for?
May 24th, 2023
My dog, Sophie, has a swollen ear that seems to be getting bigger, like it has air in it. She doesn't lick her skin, and I noticed it yesterday. What could be causing this and what should I do?
July 2nd, 2023
Within 24 hours, my Pomeranian developed a dry, hairless area between her shoulders that softened and looked like a white waxy area when soaked. The area appears not to be painful. What could this be and what should I do?
February 2nd, 2023
I have a French Bulldog (3 years old) who may have ingested a toxic plant. The dog has thrown up and has had diarrhea. All nearby vets are closed, and I can't get advice over the phone. What should I do?
November 18th, 2023
My dog has enlarged nipples and keeps itching. What could be causing this and what can I do to help?
March 6th, 2023
My Husky, Lilly, may have chewed up a vape pen containing delta 8 liquid. She seems a bit lethargic, but otherwise okay. What should I do and what symptoms should I watch for?
June 22nd, 2023