My Pomeranian (about 5 lbs.) ate a small piece of the dumb cane plant, about the size of a marble. What can I do?
June 3rd, 2023
I have a 6-year-old Springer Spaniel named Harley who recently whelped her first litter of 7 puppies 36 hours ago. Harley has diarrhea and I'm concerned about her milk production, as the top two nipples have milk but never filled out like the others. The puppies seem happy and quiet, but they are nursing all the time. What should I do about Harley's diarrhea and her milk production?
November 20th, 2024
My foster mom accidentally gave my 25 lb dog liquid flea medicine intended for a 65 lb dog. The dog is now not acting like himself, having vomited and showing disinterest in food and water. What should I do?
January 24th, 2024
My 7-year-old corgi, Rudy, cannot bear weight on his front right leg. He was running around in the yard when it happened, and when my wife touched his shoulder, he snapped at her. What could be the issue, and what should I do?
April 14th, 2023
My 12-year-old Coton de Tulear dog, Mic, had an abscessed tooth pulled in August and still has a fleshy bump under his eye. The vet tried to drain it but found nothing. Mic is not a good eater and had to be force-fed Rimadyl and antibiotics after surgery. What could be causing the bump and what should be done about it?
May 23rd, 2024
My 8lb Pomeranian, Tinkerbella, is using accessory muscles to breathe at the dog park. She has been sitting or lying down the entire time and is acting very inactive. What could be causing this and what should I do?
October 19th, 2023