I had surgery in October to remove one of my ovaries due to a cyst. Since then, I've had multiple blood tests and a normal Pap smear in November. However, I'm experiencing irritation in my cervix and bleeding after intercourse. Given that I had an oral encounter last May, could an STD be causing these symptoms, and would it have shown up in my blood tests?
February 9th, 2023
Is it possible that I could have taken 4 pregnancy tests, including one with the doctor, and yet still not be pregnant?
March 22nd, 2023
A small area of my upper lip, left side, is not moving when I speak. When I smile or do other facial expressions, it appears normal or more normal. No other part of my face is drooping, abnormal, etc., just this one area. I've been asked twice in the last month if I've just been to the dentist as it looks like my mouth is still numb from dental work, but I have not. What could be the etiology of this and any cures?
March 3rd, 2023
My son is a healthy 12-year-old tennis player who recently started complaining of chest pain, describing it as a bruised, tender feeling directly in the center of his chest. Breathing has become difficult at times. He just walked into the room with his shirt off, and I was alarmed to see a deep indentation right in this area where he is referring to pain. There is no swelling, though. I have an appointment scheduled for him to see a doctor, but I'm quite concerned and would like to know any opinion you might have. Thank you.
October 5th, 2023
What are small white bumps on my feet and lower legs?
October 4th, 2024
I have been experiencing headaches that are not sinus-related, located in the middle top to sides of my head. Common pain relievers like aspirin, Tylenol, and Advil have not worked. What could be causing these headaches and what can I do about them?
April 6th, 2023