I believe a false Protection From Abuse (PFA) order has been filed against me. Can I represent myself in the hearing, and what steps should I take to present my case effectively?
October 26th, 2024
I am a 67-year-old male employee with 46 years of service. My people leader has been bringing up retirement in various situations, making me feel pressured and creating a hostile working environment. Additionally, my work group has been assigned significant new tasks without additional resources, increasing my workload and stress. Should I consult a local attorney for legal advice, or is this a routine business practice?
December 8th, 2024
I am in a partnership with a man who has inherited 5 million dollars from his father, which is held in a French bank. The bank is refusing to release the funds until a tax of 5,000 dollars is paid. Is this a legal requirement in France, and how can I verify the legitimacy of this situation?
June 28th, 2024
What is the process for filing an injunction against a neighbor who has turned their property into a dirt bike track, causing excessive noise and dust, and how can I explore other legal options to address this issue?
May 21st, 2023
I was the victim of a battery incident at my workplace, where I was put in a chokehold by a coworker. My employer put me on an unofficial suspension and later terminated me without explanation, while allowing the attacker to continue working. I am unsure whether to press charges against the attacker and want to understand if my employer handled the situation wrong or illegally. What are my options and what steps should I take?
September 9th, 2023
If I declare myself as an impaired physician due to substance abuse issues, will every state I practice in be notified of it?
July 1st, 2024