I have been harassed and stalked for about 2 years on Craigslist in the Syracuse section, and the owners of Craigslist will do nothing. Now these people are targeting my eBay account. I have almost 2 years' worth of posting proof about this. They are harassing me and stalking me wherever I sell, including my home and place of business (which is my home), as I own my own business. I have lost at least 50% of my income due to this, and something needs to be done. What can I do about this, as I have stated that Craigslist will not do anything about it?
May 28th, 2023
How do I speak with an attorney if I have no way of paying?
July 12th, 2024
I am going to court on December 7th, 2009, for a Modification of Sentencing (probation for domestic violence). I would like to get a 5b (alcohol) condition dropped. What can I do to ask the judge to modify this?
March 30th, 2023
Is it legal to bring a shisha pipe from the UK to America?
October 4th, 2024
Can my landlord legally keep my security deposit if he is going through pre-foreclosure? The lease is up at the end of this month (Nov. 30). He already had a realtor come into my home and now the door has a lock box with the key inside on it. Rent is due by the 6th, tomorrow. What are my legal rights here in Orlando, Florida? Please advise.
January 30th, 2024
I am selling a house in Columbia, SC, and was supposed to close tomorrow, but I just found out I didn't have a deed of distribution done. My husband died in 2003, and we have a daughter who is 12. I was told I have to go through court, which could take 8-10 months. I am no longer living in the house and may foreclose in November due to non-payment. What can I do to keep the sale of the house as planned for Friday?
May 2nd, 2024