We are defendants in a breach of contract lawsuit in Florida. We are expecting to settle soon, but we have scheduled in-person depositions that we cannot attend due to having young children in school and concerns about COVID-19 exposure. We requested a Zoom deposition or a delay, but both were refused. How can we legally justify a request for a Zoom deposition or a postponement due to these circumstances?
January 13th, 2024
I'm from MI and my emotional support dog was stolen by a lady in Indiana who refuses to return him. Should the police get him back since I have an agreement with her, or do I have to go to court to get him back? Additionally, I was treated poorly by the police and want to know if I can file an emotional distress case.
April 28th, 2024
I was talking with someone else about a situation involving harassment and wondered if everything was over since I haven’t heard from the harassment party or the police. Additionally, I was in contact with a girl who sent me pictures without my consent, and her “dad” texted me from different numbers, sending me one of the pictures and a smashed laptop. What is going on and what should I do?
April 8th, 2023
Do witnesses subpoenaed to a criminal or civil case have the right to an attorney while being questioned? Are there different laws for different matters (i.e., criminal, civil), and do government employees (i.e., police) have different rights than regular 'civilians' when testifying to affidavits, etc.?
August 21st, 2023
I was recently let go from my job with the reason given being that I did not ramp up quickly enough to service large enterprise teams, despite having mild dyslexia which I did not disclose to the company. I feel I was discriminated against and not given proper training. Can I take legal action against the company for this?
November 16th, 2024
Can the defendant request a postponement or a continuance in a civil case?
December 21st, 2023