Can I serve food for hurricane victims if I have pink eye, given that I have started antibiotics and my vision is fine?
March 17th, 2023
I was diagnosed several years ago with rosacea on my face. The doctor suggested doxycycline, an antibiotic, to treat this. Is this the appropriate antibiotic? I have used doxycycline before for an infection. The current symptoms are painful bumps under the skin, often around the mouth and nose, which do not come to a head and are very painful. I am 77 years old and have scalp psoriasis, with a bee sting allergy.
April 2nd, 2024
I accidentally inhaled some foliar spray from fertilizer and pesticide and now feel nauseous. What symptoms should I watch for and what should I do to alleviate the nausea?
September 28th, 2023
I had surgery on my shattered elbow after falling over a speed bump. The surgery was followed by an infection, which was treated with antibiotics. However, I am still in a great deal of pain with limited mobility, and x-rays show that some metal has slipped and arthritis has developed. Should I seek out an elbow replacement surgeon in the near future, and is there anything I can do to ease the pain without narcotics?
July 3rd, 2024
I have had pain in my right groin off and on for years. I had surgery for varicose veins in my right leg in the 1970s, with surgical clips left in. I am 86 now and have gained weight, especially in my abdomen. I wonder if this is the cause or if I have a hernia. What procedure would be used to determine if I have a hernia in this region? I also have pain in the pubic area and used to get cortisone injections for this. Standing for a long time causes discomfort, and I also have pain on the back side of the same spot. Stretching seems to help with this.
August 26th, 2024
I have a really bad posture and have been sitting a lot for years. I experimented with diaphragmatic breathing but now want to breathe with my chest, but my ribcage isn't expanding as it used to. My frontal rib cage only moves when I lay flat on the floor. How can I fix this and improve my breathing?
September 11th, 2023