For quite some time now, my confidence has been very low. I work hard and am good at my job, but I am convinced that no one wants me around nor would they care if I wasn't. My mind is never settled, and I feel like there is always an argument inside. Lately, if I drink, I have become violent and angry. My partner is worried, and I really need help or even know where to get help.
February 3rd, 2024
Since two miscarriages 2 years ago, my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over a year. Recently, my GP diagnosed my iron as low and prescribed me ferrous sulphate 200 mg twice a day. My monthly cycle for the last 3 months is 25 days, with menstruation from days 1 to 4, and I am 43 years old. Could the low iron diagnosis be a factor in infertility, or is it more likely due to my age? If I increase my dietary intake of iron-rich foods along with the prescribed medication, could this increase my chances of becoming fertile?
May 16th, 2024
I fell on ice on January 14th and have been experiencing a long recovery. I still have swelling on my left ankle, my knee is not very mobile, and my elbow has a visible chipped bone fragment moving under the skin. I have no insurance but have third-party insurance available. Where can I go for help?
April 14th, 2023
Can noscapine be obtained by prescription?
May 3rd, 2023
I have been diagnosed with chronic pain syndrome and have stopped taking oxycodone due to side effects. I have had multiple epidurals, but only one helped. I am currently taking tramadol, but it is not effective since I re-injured my back. I am in a crisis mode with my new business and need to work. Can the program allow for the reuse of oxycodone scripts or recommend a doctor who can prescribe them for me?
January 20th, 2023
I'm a 41-year-old female with no chronic health conditions. I feel like I've had a pill or something caught in my throat for the past six months. The doctor said it was probably a sinus infection and put me on three rounds of antibiotics, but there was no success. My chest feels extremely tight, and I had an AP and lateral chest x-ray which suggested hyperventilation suggesting airway disease. The feeling of something stuck in my throat is driving me crazy, and my chest still hurts. Please give me your advice.
April 8th, 2024